We Bring 15 years of Successful

B2B Experience

15 years of frontline B2B Experience

Selling a variety of brands in a variety of ways

We build your B2B Customer Acquisition Machine

A comprehensive B2B customer acquisition machine is a
well-oiled system that seamlessly integrates various components to attract, engage, and convert potential clients.

Drive prospects from Traffic Sources: Utilize channels like Outbound prospecting, referrals, social ads, SEO, PPC,
content marketing, and offline events to drive traffic.

Lead Capture: Generate leads using a range of TOFU – BOFU content to capture prospects’ interest.

Lead Qualification: Ensure leads are qualified before reaching the demo or proposal stage. If low ticket, drive leads to a video training or mid-funnel content or direct to a free trial or paid license.

Engagement and Nurturing: Nurture prospects with plenty of educational content written using our TOFU content formulas.

Sales Process: Engage qualified leads with discovery calls, demos, or tailored proposals. Create robust conversion mechanisms containing all elements necessary to close deals and relationships.

Remarketing: Target leads who didn’t convert immediately with ads or emails.

Case Study Collection: Post-sale, gather feedback and document success stories for credibility.

Feedback Loop: Continuously refine strategies based on feedback from sales teams and clients.

Tech Integration: Use CRM systems, analytics, and automation for a streamlined, data-driven approach.

Training: Ensure the team is updated with the latest strategies and tools.

Customer Acquisition Machine

Figure 2 illustrates a comprehensive customer acquisition machine with all possible traffic channels that drive lead generation activity. If a lead is buying a high-ticket product, they should be qualified to ensure they are suitable to purchase it. If the lead buys a low-ticket product, Self-service options should be available. All B2B businesses should have remarketing, nurture, and case study collection processes in place.

the Five B2B growth phases

5 Phases To Growing Any B2B Business
5 Phases To Growing Any B2B Business

Figure 1 demonstrating “Sustainable BootStrapped Business Growth” by James Carby - Robinson, llustrates the five critical phases a B2B business must navigate to achieve sustainable growth. By progressing through these stages systematically, companies can optimise their capital allocation, ensuring that resources are deployed where they are most needed. This strategic approach not only helps attain product-market fit but also address long-term sustainability, by focusing on cash-efficient growth strategies. Each phase is a building block for the next, creating a cohesive and effective growth trajectory.

B2B Growth Implementation Systems

was founded by James Carby - Robinson.

James Carby - Robinson
James with CSS Media eam

JCR with team while working with CCS media

APC Logo
Barco Logo
Acer Logo
F5 Logo
Eos Logo
AMD Logo
Adobe Logo
Clevertouch Logo
Epson Logo
Citrix Logo
Juniper Networks
Intel Logo
Brother Logo
LG Logo
Cisco Logo
Hewlett Packar Logo
HP Logo
Kingston Logo
Getac Logo
Mimecast Logo
Fortinet Logo
Fujitsu Logo
Lenovo Logo
NetApp Logo
NEC Logo

Over six years, James Carby – Robinson carved out an exceptional track record in new business tech sales, amassing over $15m in revenue. Catering to a diverse UK clientele – from schools and SMEs to large enterprises, hospitals, and government agencies – he co-sold alongside some of the world’s most renowned tech giants. 2016, James took a sabbatical through Egypt, the Middle East, and Asia. Yet this wasn’t just a personal adventure; James tapped into his tech sales expertise to consult across APAC regions and the USA, UK, Europe, NZ, and Australia. Collaborating with over 50 B2B entities, he refined innovative go-to-market strategies that remain unparalleled by many industry leaders. Having been born in the dynamic 90s, James possesses a unique vantage point on market transitions and is primed to direct future tech sales and marketing innovations.


I have worked with James for many years. They say that a person cannot be good at both sales and marketing, and James is living proof that this is not true. I have seen him both create & close high ticket software opportunities all the way to demonstrating in depth the psychology needed to apply to a marketing funnel. James is a master at his craft and I have enjoyed watching him develop over the years.


Avi Mistry


Cristie Data - An Iomart Company

I have never seen anybody build, deploy and manage a sales funnel in the way that James does. James is one of the most talented and experienced sales and marketing professionals that I have come across in my 30-year career. This month, Product Profits has generated €650,000 in sales and this should not go unnoticed.



Chris Georgatos


Plexian Europe

James was engaging and creative and helped drive us to a new level. He brought a host of experience and talent to our time together. James is truly a next-generation marketer and I look forward to our next collaboration together.


Glen Torregiani



I had the pleasure of managing James Ashley during his time at CCS Media. Over a 12 month period, James was the highest performing member of my team, and never failed to hit either a monthly or a quarterly sales target. James is tenacious, very proactive and a dynamic presence on any sales floor. I’d hire him again in a second.


Stacey Swift


CCS Media

James brings creativity and fresh ideas to the field of marketing. He works hard and pursue new clients with passion and enthusiasm. James is aware of trends in the industry and with confidence tests and refines, those that they believe are likely to yield results. James also has the ability unlike most marketers to create opportunities and close business as a salesperson. This gives him a unique perspective to new business development.


Larry Kaul


Kaul Sales Partners

Personally and professionally, I cannot recommend James and his company enough. We incorporated James to help us with our new product marketing launch. James, and the campaign have exceeded our expectations. So much so that we have gladly renewed our commitment to them and are involving them on a more long term and deeper partnership. 5 Stars!


Dustin Phillips



& Your B2B business is at either one of these 4 stages…

4 Stages of B2B Business
5 Phases To Growing Any B2B Business
How do you know?

You’ve haven’t yet gotten two successful case studies from within the same niche.

Customers try your product but leave quickly.

You keep trying new markets, hoping something will work.

Solving for product-market fit will give you the marketing juice you need to begin market domination.

How do you know?

Your business has mainly grown through word of mouth or reputation.

You have a great product with a few use cases.

You don’t know where your next customer will come from.

Solving for lead generation will help you to build a repeatable outbound sales process.

How do you know?

You have closed at least three customers.

Your business feels “stable”, and you know your place in the market.

Your customers are successful.

Solving demand generation generates inbound leads while increasing meeting show-up & deal closure rates, while enhancing your reputation

How do you know?

You have consistent and predictable revenue:

You have 1 or 2 core pieces of content pieces that are working.

You have a strong team in place.

Solving for scaling will enable you to replicate your success by paying for eyeballs through a sales funnel that you know is already working.

Your Sales and Marketing Engine

Will Consist of three Core Systems.

3 of Core Systems
5 Phases To Growing Any B2B Business

The First Is Your Organic Lead Generation System

Your organic lead generation system will help you to build a repeatable sales process and consistent revenue through utilizing organic traffic sources such as email, Linkedin, and social media. The two core organic lead generation systems to implement, depend entirely on your ticket offer. For example, for high ticket offers, you can implement an automated outbound prospecting and inside sales funnel. This is because you can laser target a large group of high value decision makers and pull them through your sales process. For lower ticket sizes, you will implement the automated prospecting + automated sign up funnel, as it can be expensive to invest human time into selling low ticket products.

Outbound Prospecting and inside Sales Automated outbound prospecting and free trial
Outbound Prospecting and inside Sales Automated outbound prospecting and free trial
Figure 3 shows the Outbound Prospecting and inside Sales funnel. In this funnel, often, an appointment setter will book and qualify opportunities for the closer. Figure 4 shows the automated outbound prospecting and free trial funnel, used when ticket prices are too low for SDR prospecting and selling.
  • Inexpensive
  • Fast to set up
  • Easy to duplicate
  • Hard to scale
  • Expensive to scale
Uses Cases:
  • Testing out new offers
  • Selling tickets with a gross contribution of more than $7k
  • Targeting precise psychographics
  • Allows you to scale
  • Quickly test new offers without risk
  • Extremely cost effective ($200 per month)
  • You don’t need to hire a sales team
  • You can keep your team small
  • Requires ongoing maintenance
  • Requires fine tuning over long periods of time
  • Slow to set up
Uses Cases:
  • Testing new offers quickly
  • Generating first use cases
Outbound Prospecting and inside Sales
Outbound Prospecting and inside Sales
Figure 3 shows the Outbound Prospecting and inside Sales funnel. In this funnel, often, an appointment setter will book and qualify opportunities for the closer.
  • Inexpensive
  • Fast to set up
  • Easy to duplicate
  • Hard to scale
  • Expensive to scale
Uses Cases:
  • Testing out new offers
  • Selling tickets with a gross contribution of more than $7k
  • Targeting precise psychographics
Automated outbound prospecting and free trial
Automated outbound prospecting and free trial
Figure 4 shows the automated outbound prospecting and free trial funnel, used when ticket prices are too low for SDR prospecting and selling.
  • Allows you to scale
  • Quickly test new offers without risk
  • Extremely cost effective ($200 per month)
  • You don’t need to hire a sales team
  • You can keep your team small
  • Requires ongoing maintenance
  • Requires fine tuning over long periods of time
  • Slow to set up
Uses Cases:
  • Testing new offers quickly
  • Generating first use cases

Here’s How to implement an organic lead generation system

Step 1: Isolate Your Target Niches

To kick off your lead generation, begin by zeroing in on a specific group you’re intimately familiar with. Avoid distractions. Ideally, target a high-value niche where you can address a pressing issue and secure upfront payments. Before diving into outreach, ensure you have a holistic understanding of the niche. Recognize that every niche has unique needs and each need taps into a different emotional trigger. Instead of spreading yourself thin, concentrate on a few potent triggers. As you start to gain traction in one sub-segment, use that momentum to branch out into adjacent areas. Each success will naturally pave the way for the next, and you can expand in concentric circles like the diagram to your right.

Concentric Circles - Niche

Figure 5 shows to start with one niche you understand profoundly and then expand in concentric circles.

Step 2: Find a deep message that resonates with your customer

You will need to spend as much time around your target market as possible, and do everything you can to uncover their deeper desires. Use methods like the B2B Growth Report Method, The Shadow method, or the lead generation quickstart system to quickly gain market intel. To drum up the market and gather interest, you will need to understand what drives your prospects so you can steer them towards you through your words. Your marketing message should be so powerful that if you were to whisper it into your prospect‘s ear late at night, they would wake up excited.

Resonance Wavelenght Result No Resonance Wavelenght Result
Figure 6: A message with the same wavelength as your customers will result in resonance. Broadcasting these messages gets customers dancing and excited to speak with you. Figure 7: A message with the wrong wavelength achieves no resonance in the market. Broadcasting messages to your customers in this wavelength results in apathy.
Resonance Wavelenght Result
Figure 6: A message with the same wavelength as your customers will result in resonance. Broadcasting these messages gets customers dancing and excited to speak with you.
No Resonance Wavelenght Result
Figure 7: A message with the wrong wavelength achieves no resonance in the market. Broadcasting messages to your customers in this wavelength results in apathy.

Step 3: Turn the message into a core sales letter to nail down all of the elements required for a customer to make a purchasing decision

Now that you’ve got a message that clicks with your audience it’s time to turn it into a persuasive sales letter. You’re sales letter is your core sales argument for your offer, that contains all of the information required for a sale. Having a single sales letter will ensure that everybody both internally and externally is signing from the same hymn sheet. In theory, you should be able to send your core sales letter to your target market in any format, weather its on a google doc, in a video, or a written letter or brochure, and it should be powerful enough to take prospects from cold to new customer as long as they are exposed to the letter. You will likely have one master sales letter in your business, that can be broken up into multiple mini sales letters.

Sales Letter by Gary Halbert Sales Letter Formula Smartsheet Output
Figure 8 shows an example of a sales letter by Gary Halbert is a great example of demonstration Plausability and Authority Figure 9 shows an example of some of the different elements of a sales letter formula, being used to craft sales letters at scale Figure 10 shows an example of output.
Sales Letter by Gary Halbert
Figure 8 shows an example of a sales letter by Gary Halbert is a great example of demonstration Plausability and Authority
Sales Letter Formula
Figure 9 shows an example of some of the different elements of a sales letter formula, being used to craft sales letters at scale
Smartsheet Output
Figure 10 shows an example of output.

Step 4: Derive Website and Sales Assets From The Master Sales Letter.

All your sales assets—be it landing pages, sales decks, outbound messages, or any other customer engagement materials—stem from your foundational sales letter. Crafted to seamlessly guide prospects from the top to the bottom of the sales funnel, this sales letter becomes the blueprint for all your sales materials. For instance, your website’s homepage essentially becomes a digital representation of your sales letter. This systematic approach ensures that your sales assets are meticulously structured for your SDRs. By translating the top-of-the-funnel content from the sales letter into specific sales assets, you create a coherent journey for prospects at every stage. Once this step is finalized, you’re set to engage and convert.

Content Toolbox VSL Page Redirect
Figure 27 shows an example of a content toolbox that is broken up into cold, warm, and hot, depending on where the content should be used in the funnel. Figure 28 showing that once somebody opts in, they should be redirected to the VSL page.
Content Toolbox
Figure 27 shows an example of a content toolbox that is broken up into cold, warm, and hot, depending on where the content should be used in the funnel.
VSL Page Redirect
Figure 28 showing that once somebody opts in, they should be redirected to the VSL page.

Step 5: Launch outbound campaigns while focusing on these metrics. Fix each metric as they become a problem.

Here’s a conundrum to ponder: While it might seem counterintuitive, it’s often more effective to structure your sales outreach from the top-down, yet target those at the bottom of the funnel first and then work your way up. Let me break it down for you. In outbound campaigns, prioritize enhancing exposure rates (think email opens or LinkedIn connection acceptances). Once that’s achieved, shift your attention to improving reply rates—even if the responses are rejections or unsubscribes. After that, concentrate on lead generation, followed by securing discovery calls or free trial sign-ups.

When introducing a new offer to prospects, it’s wise to initially target those who are already deep into their buying journey—the so-called “low hanging fruit.” This approach can be especially effective depending on the sophistication level of your target market.

LinkedIn Outreach Email Campaigns Cold Calling Campaigns
Figure 13 shows the statistics that you should focus on for LinkedIn outreach Figure 14 shows the statistics you should concentrate on for an email campaign Figure 15 shows the statistics you should concentrate on for outbound calls
LinkedIn Outreach
Figure 13 shows the statistics that you should focus on for LinkedIn outreach
Email Campaigns
Figure 14 shows the statistics you should concentrate on for an email campaign
Cold Calling Campaigns
Figure 15 shows the statistics you should concentrate on for outbound calls

Step 6: Automate and streamline everything.

Think of your sales funnel as a bucket with tiny holes, where potential leads might slip away. To seal these gaps and ensure a smooth sales journey, you should have 10 distinct email sequences in your arsenal. These templates alone provide a whopping 10 hours of nurturing to your prospects!

Automate and streamline
Automate and streamline

Here's what a Typical B2B Business Growth System looks like from a tactical point of view

depending if your offer is low-ticket or high-ticket

a physical product, a service, or a software.

Customer Acquisition Machine

Figure 2 illustrates a comprehensive customer acquisition machine with all possible traffic channels that drive lead generation activity. If a lead is buying a high-ticket product, they should be qualified to ensure they are suitable to purchase it. If the lead buys a low-ticket product, Self-service options should be available. All B2B businesses should have remarketing, nurture, and case study collection processes in place.

A comprehensive B2B customer acquisition machine is a
well-oiled system that seamlessly integrates various components to attract, engage, and convert potential clients.

Drive prospects from Traffic Sources: Utilize channels like Outbound prospecting, referrals, social ads, SEO, PPC,
content marketing, and offline events to drive traffic.

Lead Capture: Generate leads using a range of TOFU – BOFU content to capture prospects’ interest.

Lead Qualification: Ensure leads are qualified before reaching the demo or proposal stage. If low ticket, drive leads to a video training or mid-funnel content or direct to a free trial or paid license.

Engagement and Nurturing: Nurture prospects with plenty of educational content written using our TOFU content formulas.

Sales Process: Engage qualified leads with discovery calls, demos, or tailored proposals. Create robust conversion mechanisms containing all elements necessary to close deals and relationships.

Remarketing: Target leads who didn’t convert immediately with ads or emails.

Case Study Collection: Post-sale, gather feedback and document success stories for credibility.

Feedback Loop: Continuously refine strategies based on feedback from sales teams and clients.

Tech Integration: Use CRM systems, analytics, and automation for a streamlined, data-driven approach.

Training: Ensure the team is updated with the latest strategies and tools.

Next, Here’s How To Build a Demand Generation System

Your demand generation system is designed to elevate your brand’s reputation by consistently delivering immense value to your target audience. Once in place, you’ll notice an influx of inbound leads discovering you via search engines, social media, word of mouth, or industry recommendations. Leveraging organic traffic channels like email, LinkedIn, and other social platforms, you’ll direct attention to your meticulously crafted content strategy, especially your potent “black hole” content. Essentially, there are two primary content funnels to roll out: For high-ticket offers, combine Content/Channel Marketing with Inside Sales, while low-ticket offers can be streamlined through self-service or automated purchases.

Content/Channel Marketing + Inside Sales Content Marketing + Automated Free Trial
Content/Channel Marketing + Inside Sales Content Marketing + Automated Free Trial
Figure 16 shows the Content/Channel Marketing + Inside Sales funnel which is used for lower ticket offers. In this funnel, an SDR will strategically target target accounts with content This is also known as account-based marketing (ABM) or account-based sales (ABS) Figure 17 shows the Content/Channel marketing and automated multi step funnel. Here the main traffic source is guest posts or channel partners. Traffic is driven to a video sales letter and given a free offer of value.
  • Inexpensive
  • Builds your brand
  • Separates you from competition
  • Increases conversion rate of other traffic sources
  • Hard to scale
  • Time-consuming
  • Slow to set up
When It’s Used
  • When you are starting to support your outbound prospecting and advertising efforts
  • When you already validated a high-ticket offer with outbound prospecting or ads
  • When you are scaling up
  • Combining with outbound/inbound paid traffic funnel
  • Inexpensive to get started
  • Free traffic
  • Difficult to scale
  • Hard to set up
  • Hard to break through the noise
When It's Used
  • When you are testing a new offer and you don't have much money
  • When your ticket price is low < $200 (ebooks, programs, ecommerce)
  • Usually when you can't afford to install an inside sales team because your ticket price is too low
Content/Channel Marketing + Inside Sales
Content/Channel Marketing + Inside Sales
Figure 16 shows the Content/Channel Marketing + Inside Sales funnel which is used for lower ticket offers. In this funnel, an SDR will strategically target target accounts with content This is also known as account-based marketing (ABM) or account-based sales (ABS)
  • Inexpensive
  • Builds your brand
  • Separates you from competition
  • Increases conversion rate of other traffic sources
  • Hard to scale
  • Time-consuming
  • Slow to set up
When It’s Used
  • When you are starting to support your outbound prospecting and advertising efforts
  • When you already validated a high-ticket offer with outbound prospecting or ads
  • When you are scaling up
  • Combining with outbound/inbound paid traffic funnel
Content Marketing + Automated Free Trial
Content Marketing + Automated Free Trial
Figure 17 shows the Content/Channel marketing and automated multi step funnel. Here the main traffic source is guest posts or channel partners. Traffic is driven to a video sales letter and given a free offer of value.
  • Inexpensive to get started
  • Free traffic
  • Difficult to scale
  • Hard to set up
  • Hard to break through the noise
When It's Used
  • When you are testing a new offer and you don't have much money
  • When your ticket price is low < $200 (ebooks, programs, ecommerce)
  • Usually when you can't afford to install an inside sales team because your ticket price is too low

And Here’s how to implement a Demand Generation system

Step 1 - First, create an automated feedback loop from marketing and sales

Birds Eye View of Feedback loop

Figure 18 shows a birds eye view of the feedback loop, and how this is refined each quarter.

Ideally, you'd have a dedicated channel within Teams or Slack where all sales activities are automatically logged. For instance, every LinkedIn message we get is instantly pushed to Slack, providing a real-time view of frontline interactions for the entire company. While this setup might not fit every organization, it's crucial for departments like product, sales, marketing, and operations to have visibility into customer conversations. By funneling live updates into a focused channel, companies can become nimbler, adapting swiftly to market shifts and gauging customer sentiment in real-time.

Step 2 - Categorize Feedback Based on the Buyer's Journey

As your feedback loop starts yielding rich insights, it's essential to categorize this feedback according to the stages of the buyer's journey. Doing so helps you grasp the learning trajectory of your prospects, allowing you to craft content that mirrors their thoughts and feelings, resonating deeply with their experiences and needs.

Feedback Loop

Figure 19 shows the tactical view of acting on market feedback, both at the customer conversation level and at the marketing level.

Step 3 - Strategically Position Content Throughout the Funnel By Creating Black Hole Content

Echoing Steve Jobs’ sentiment, “The best marketing is education,” we wholeheartedly concur. Effective marketing disseminates unique and invaluable insights, ensuring that thesis points resonate across various channels – be it sales pitches, sales scripts, opt-in pages, outbound emails, social media profiles, advertisements, and more. When content is meticulously tailored for sheer utility, it not only captivates but also propels sales and profitability.

B2B Growth Black Hole Content to promote
Figure 20 showing B2B Growth black hole content Figure 21 shows how feedback is categorized and then distributed to your target audience based on where they are in their learning journey.
B2B Growth Black Hole
Figure 20 showing B2B Growth black hole content
Content to promote
Figure 21 shows how feedback is categorized and then distributed to your target audience based on where they are in their learning journey.

Step 4 - Let Prospects Cook (literally) as you Drum up the market by Strategically Positioning Content Throughout the Funnel

Research indicates that before making a purchase, prospects typically need 8-10 hours of engagement with a brand. To guide them through this journey, it’s essential to start with a plethora of bite-sized, captivating content at the Top-of-the-Funnel (TOFU) to spark their interest. As they delve deeper, the Middle-of-the-Funnel (MOFU) should offer 2-3 comprehensive pieces that address their specific needs and alleviate any concerns. Finally, at the Bottom-of-the-Funnel (BOFU), a thorough and compelling content strategy should emphasize the unparalleled value of your product or service, pushing the prospect closer to conversion.

Prospects Cooking Drumming Up the Market
Figure 22 shows prospects cooking, using the information that B2B Growth have provided. Each piece of information is an ingredient to help our prospects create their desired life. We help them to cook their own meals using our ingredients. Figure 23 shows an example of drumming up the market. In the middle, we observe a drummer, playing rhythms and vibrations that are in tune with the audience around. The drummer acts as the amplifer, drumming up the market using beats given to him by the market.
Prospects Cooking
Figure 22 shows prospects cooking, using the information that B2B Growth have provided. Each piece of information is an ingredient to help our prospects create their desired life. We help them to cook their own meals using our ingredients.
Drumming Up the Market
Figure 23 shows an example of drumming up the market. In the middle, we observe a drummer, playing rhythms and vibrations that are in tune with the audience around. The drummer acts as the amplifer, drumming up the market using beats given to him by the market.

Step 5 - Automate Your Content Marketing Strategy

Harness the power of Muscle CRM to streamline your content strategy:

  1. Scheduling: Pre-plan posts for consistent online visibility.
  2. Email Campaigns: Set automated sequences to nurture leads.
  3. Lead Scoring: Prioritize leads based on their content interactions.
  4. Chatbots: Use AI-chatbots for 24/7 visitor engagement.
  5. Analytics: Track content performance for insights and optimization.

Automation ensures efficiency, saving time while maximizing results.

Content Marketing Strategy

Then, it’s time to scale

After laying a robust groundwork with targeted content and messaging, leveraging paid channels can rapidly expand your reach. Through targeted ads on platforms like social media and search engines, you’re effectively buying visibility, ensuring your content captures the right attention. This strategy not only enhances brand presence but also propels traffic through the sales funnel, accelerating the transition from awareness to conversion.

Paid Traffic + Inside Sales Paid Traffic + Automated Free Trial
Paid Traffic + Inside Sales Paid Traffic + Automated Free Trial
Figure 25 shows Paid Traffic + Inside Sales funnel which is used when scaling high ticket offers Figure 26 shows Paid Traffic + Automated Free Trial funnel which is used for lower ticket offers
  • Allows you to scale
  • Reach new audiences in seconds
  • Hard to set up
  • Hard to tune
  • Need a sales team
When It’s Used
  • When you validated your offer with outbound prospecting or organic
  • When you are scaling up
  • When you don’t know exactly who you are targeting
  • When you are selling tickets with gross contribution >$3k
  • Allows you to scale
  • You don’t need to hire a sales team
  • You can keep your team small
  • Expensive
  • Hard to tune
  • Slow to set up
When It's Used
  • When you have proven that your free trial offer converts and you have proven a low churn rate
  • When you are scaling up
  • Usually when you can’t afford to install an inside sales team because your ticket price is too low
Paid Traffic + Inside Sales
Paid Traffic + Inside Sales
Figure 25 shows Paid Traffic + Inside Sales funnel which is used when scaling high ticket offers
  • Allows you to scale
  • Reach new audiences in seconds
  • Hard to set up
  • Hard to tune
  • Need a sales team
When It’s Used
  • When you validated your offer with outbound prospecting or organic
  • When you are scaling up
  • When you don’t know exactly who you are targeting
  • When you are selling tickets with gross contribution >$3k
Paid Traffic + Automated Free Trial
Paid Traffic + Automated Free Trial
Figure 26 shows Paid Traffic + Automated Free Trial funnel which is used for lower ticket offers
  • Allows you to scale
  • You don’t need to hire a sales team
  • You can keep your team small
  • Expensive
  • Hard to tune
  • Slow to set up
When It's Used
  • When you have proven that your free trial offer converts and you have proven a low churn rate
  • When you are scaling up
  • Usually when you can’t afford to install an inside sales team because your ticket price is too low

How to Scale with Paid Media

Step 1: Lay the Groundwork with Three Essentials

Before diving into paid media, ensure you have these foundational elements:

  1. TOFU Asset Content or Message: This should be a validated piece that effectively generates leads.
  2. MOFU Video Sales Letter/Webinar: A 20-minute to 1-hour presentation that educates and nurtures potential customers.
  3. A Seasoned Closer: Someone who has successfully closed 5-10 sales through organic outreach, ensuring a refined and efficient sales process.
Content Toolbox VSL Page Redirect
Figure 27 shows an example of a content toolbox that is broken up into cold, warm, and hot, depending on where the content should be used in the funnel. Figure 28 showing that once somebody opts in, they should be redirected to the VSL page.
Content Toolbox
Figure 27 shows an example of a content toolbox that is broken up into cold, warm, and hot, depending on where the content should be used in the funnel.
VSL Page Redirect
Figure 28 showing that once somebody opts in, they should be redirected to the VSL page.

Step 2: Ensure you have a compelling Video Sales Letter (VSL) in place

A VSL is your digital salesperson, guiding prospects from initial interest (TOFU) to purchase readiness (BOFU). Created once, this tool works tirelessly, engaging numerous viewers simultaneously. It’s an efficient, cost-effective method to promote your offering, operating round-the-clock without breaks.

Figure 29 shows an example of a MOFU video sales letter made by one of our clients

Figure 30 shows an example of a TOFU training video sales letter, targeting unsophisticated buyers for an offshore software development offer.

Step 3: Pay for eyeballs and Ramp up by driving traffic through your funnel that you already know is effective

Kickstart your paid advertising on platforms like LinkedIn or Facebook, directing traffic to an opt-in page. Once leads are captured:

  • Direct them to your VSL and a sales page, prompting actions like booking a demo or initiating a trial.

  • Channel these potential customers to a sales team equipped with a validated script.

  • As the economics align (spending $1 to gain a minimum of $3), increase your ad spend, collaborate with channel partners, and expand your sales team.

Ramp-up Paid Advertising Paid Traffic Scaling
Figure 31 shows how capital expenditures, production improvements and expansion into new markets will cause you to ramp up and scale marketing. Figure 32 shows how organic prospecting was used first, and then scaled using paid traffic. Here you can see in figure F a successful facebook ad campaign.Most companies make the mistake of diving straight into paid traffic, and this is not something we recommend (unless you are prepared to burn a few thousand while you figure things out and fix the leaks).
Ramp-up Paid Advertising
Figure 31 shows how capital expenditures, production improvements and expansion into new markets will cause you to ramp up and scale marketing.
Paid Traffic Scaling
Figure 32 shows how organic prospecting was used first, and then scaled using paid traffic. Here you can see in figure F a successful facebook ad campaign.Most companies make the mistake of diving straight into paid traffic, and this is not something we recommend (unless you are prepared to burn a few thousand while you figure things out and fix the leaks).

Step 4 - Confirm Investment Strategy and Clear the Path for Investors

With a valuable offer, a scalable lead source, and a robust sales system, you’re poised to achieve impressive returns on investment. A system that yields $3-$10 for every dollar invested is a goldmine for investors. By building such a lucrative mechanism, you not only ensure business growth but also make your venture highly attractive to potential investors.

Investment Strategy Paid Advertising
Figure 33 shows path being cleared for investors. Figure 34 shows money being sucked through the funnel as you use paid advertising to invest into a marketing engine that you know that works. Now it’s time to dial down the metrics and numbers.
Investment Strategy
Figure 33 shows path being cleared for investors.
Paid Advertising
Figure 34 shows money being sucked through the funnel as you use paid advertising to invest into a marketing engine that you know that works. Now it’s time to dial down the metrics and numbers.

So here are your options for growing your B2B business

Option 1

  • Hire a lead generation firm to spam your target market with ineffective messaging. Most lead generation firms are glorified sales navigator users.
  • Hire a digital marketing agency that would only help you with the front end and needs to learn more about sales. Most digital marketing agencies need help generating leads for themselves. Most digital marketing agencies are usually media-buyers turned CEOs and focus too much on the tactics.
  • Hire a Head of Sales and a Head of marketing and hope they get along ($100,000 - $250,000 per year)
  • Continue trying to "figure things out on your own", which will waste you lots of time and money

Option 1

  • Shortcut your success by working with B2B Growth, who will implement a comprehensive growth strategy and leave no stone unturned.

Before B2B Growth

The Engineer Turned CEO

The Engineer Turned CEO Diagram

You may be an engineer who has created a great product, and now you have found yourself as CEO running your own company. Your sales skills need refining, and you prefer outsourcing your sales and marketing to internal or external reps.

After B2B Growth

Strong All-Rounder

Strong All-Rounder Diagram

After working with B2B Growth Implementation, you will have all the systems, processes and people to run a fully comprehensive sales and marketing system.

Before B2B Growth

The Sales Guru

The Sales Guru Diagram

You may be an experienced salesperson or running your own outbound sales agency, an expert in organic channels such as email, LinkedIn and outbound cold calls.

After B2B Growth

Strong All-Rounder

Strong All-Rounder Diagram

After working with B2B Growth Implementation, you will also be proficient in copy-writing, website building, advertising, and strategy. We will provide you with the skills to ultimately create and launch your offers.

Before B2B Growth

The Media Buyer

The Media Buyer Diagram

Your experience is in PPC, social media marketing, and content creation. You may have started your career as a media buyer or run your marketing agency.

After B2B Growth

Strong All-Rounder

Strong All-Rounder Diagram

After working with B2B Growth Implementation, we will provide you with all the skills to create offers, generate organic leads, and close deals.

Before B2B Growth

SEO Specialist

SEO Specialist Diagram

You may be an SEO specialist who understands the importance of strategic planning and product knowledge. However, you need the proper outbound sales and marketing processes to launch businesses.

After B2B Growth

Strong All-Rounder

Strong All-Rounder Diagram

After working with B2B Growth Implementation, you will be a strong all-rounder with the skills to build comprehensive revenue systems.